Bandha, Vinyasa nad Drushti

by YogaYami

Technique Bandha

Fire represents transformation, the process of energetic change that leads to purification. It is embodied in bandha, the quality of our energy.

The Bandhas are muscular and energetic adjustments that transform our internal energies. By bringing them to a deeper harmony the mind is further quieted.

Focusing on transforming and directing energy is the fire aspect of practice. Balanced application of the five techniques is essential to bring about a nurturing balance between the five elements.

Overemphasis on fire leads to depletion; neglect to dullness.


Technique Vinyasa

Water represents fluidity: harmonious, effortless movement. It is embodied in vinyasa, the quality of our movement.

Vinyasa is the manner of entering, leaving and joining postures: the moving aspect of practice. These movements are always done in harmony with the breathing. Focusing on fluidity, utilizing breath body synchronization in entering and leaving a pose, is the water aspect of this practice.

Balanced application of the five techniques is essential to bring about a nurturing balance between the five elements.

Overemphasis of water leads to fragility; neglect to hardness.

Technique Drushti

Space, as far as the practice of Hatha Yoga is concerned, represents freedom: the ability to act at will in any manner, and direction. It is embodied in drushti, the quality of our awareness.
Drushti is directed attention in which the energy of awareness is focused on a specific object, process, situation, or phenomenon. The process of focusing awareness completely in this way is the essence of spiritual practice, and therefore of yoga. Focusing on the quality of attention is the space aspect of practice.

Balanced application of the five techniques is essential to bring about a nurturing balance between the five elements. Overemphasis on space leads to withdrawal; neglect to anxiety.


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